
Tweet by Anne Marie Darling (@amdar1ing). The Tweet says, ''Lots of science-y folks are posting this graph. But if there is one thing I have learned from being on the internet, it is this: Data/graphs: Not compelling to many. Kitties: Compelling to many. So I present: #Catteningthecurve.'' The Tweet links to an image of ''Flattening the curve'' with flat crossed out and replaced with cat. The original image is a chart from the CDC that shows the time since first case on the x-axis and the daily number of cases on the y-axis in terms of flattening the curve of disease outbreaks. The picture shows a pink bell curve labeled ''cases without protective measures'' with a cat face and legs drawn to make it look like a standing cat. The pink standing cat graph is captioned with ''ALERT KITTy OUtbreak: Will pounce and shred the healthcare system like the arm of your couch.'' In the same image, there is a grey curve labeled ''cases with protective measures'' and a cat face, legs, and tail drawn to make it look like a cat laying down. The grey curve is described as ''LAZY KITTY Outbreak: Long intervals between transmission events, like the amount of time kitty will hold this position Healthcare systems can cope.''