
An eight-panel Dilbert comic. A man walks into Dilbert's cubicle with a piece of paper and asks, ''Can you check my spreadsheet for accuracy?'' Dilbert looks at the paper in the second panel and says, ''It's an impenetrable jumble of poorly organized data with cryptic labels.'' In the third panel, the man nonchalantly rubs his hands and responds, ''I only need you to check it for accuracy.'' Dilbert continues to look at the spreadsheet in the fourth panel, and he states, ''I don't think accuracy matters if no one can tell what it's for.'' The man frustratedly grabs the spreadsheet out of Dilbert's hand in the fifth comic. He exclaims, ''Sheesh! Let me explain this simple document!''In the sixth panel, he explains, ''This column is the ratio of product returns to gross revenue excluding sales taxes, annualized.'' In the seventh panel, he finishes his statement with ''It's clearly labeled 'ROPRTGRESTA.''' Dilbert asks, ''What about the other 80 columns?'' The final panel shows the man presenting the spreadsheet to his boss. The boss looks confused and thinks, ''What the #*%!?'' The clueless man says, ''And Dilbert found no inaccuracies.''